Book Item In



We’ll have a go at repairing almost any domestic items that can be brought to the site. Here are some examples:

Electrical items with mechanical or circuit board failure such as a toaster, a heater or a kettle;

Clothes repairs such as a tear or replacing a zip;

Fitting a new handle to garden tools – or sharpening them;

Gluing and soldering pots and pans or ornaments;

Fitting a new plug or a bulb holder to a lamp;

Fixing broken toys;

Replacing the quartz mechanism on a clock;

Bicycle repairs (Must be booked in advance);

And much more!

Sometimes, we’ll ask you to bring a part with you. Take a look at our booking form or get in touch before you come along.

We’re not TV’s Repair Shop; we repair rather than restore items.


‘White goods” such as:



Washing Machines;

Microwave ovens;


Cookers (including Ovens, hobs, ranges and stoves);

Air Conditioners.

Contact us if you’re in any doubt.


If you’re bringing an item for repair, please help us by booking an appointment, and telling us a bit about your item and what’s wrong.  When you bring your item to us, please note that you are agreeing to our data policy and House Rules.

Please login or register for an account below to submit your item for repair. After you’ve booked your item in, you can book a time to drop off your item, or just bring it in to us at the workshop or church hall. Our opening times are listed on the home page.



How to get involved

We are always looking for volunteers, so if you have experience in anything, please reach out and get involved. We are solely reliant on our volunteers and their expertise. Come and be part of the repair revolution! 

Community Reviews 

We want to hear from you....

We'd like to hear about your experience of the Repair Cafe. Please contact us and let us know.

Here are some of the comments we've received already.


We have been to the repair café a few times and love its buzzy, purposeful and friendly atmosphere. We have been so impressed by the results, tools and scissors sharpened and help with finding the best and most cost effective way of fixing a food processor. I would recommend anyone to take their broken or damaged articles along to see what can be done with them.


‘I have found the Repair Cafe exceptionally useful. Very pleasant atmosphere and splendid expertise. I shall carry on using it!'

John B

The repair cafe has been invaluable to me!
I have been able to avail of such varied skills:
New handles have been beautifully crafted on to my pressure cooker pot which I can now use again.
My grandchildren's wooden train had a missing part which was beautifully recrafted.
I needed help and support at various times with my computer which was freely given, bringing peace of mind.
For me the repair cafe has been a treasure trove of skills and kindness within this welcoming community of Ashburton


Our Amazing Sponsors

We rely on donations to cover our operating costs. Thanks to everyone who supports us.

Also we’ve had great support from:

Falcon Digital

Climb / Grey Matter

CAG Devon


Tucker's Country Store


Teignbridge District Council

Devon Locality Fund

Join our mission. Volunteer, Donate, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Get in touch via our contact form 

Telephone: 07761 045146


My Accounts
My Repairs

Ashburton Repair Cafe is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation number 1202475